Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I'm thankful.  What I'm thankful for has changed somewhat, in a way, well, not really. 

Last year I was thankful for seizure free days and the way Hannah's world had been opening up.  She was having an incredible year developmentally.  I thanked God every morning when I woke her up for one more day with my girl.  I remember that I must have said it so much that she started saying it for me..."Thank you Lord for another day with my Hannah!"  It was so adorable and the fact that she spoke in third person made it just precious.

This year as I reflect on the year I find myself still thankful that my girl is seizure free, free from sickness, free from the pain of needles, free of the limitations of autism.  Everything I wanted for her here she is experiencing in heaven.  I'm so very thankful for the nearly 9 years I had her in my life and for everything that her life meant to me.  I will never be the same person I was before Hannah.  She taught me some powerful lessons that changed my life forever.  I just feel so incredibly grateful that I had the privilege of being this amazing girl's mom.

Thank you God for allowing me the time you did with our precious Hannah..  Thank you for holding us up and sending people into our lives to help us keep putting one foot in front of the other. We are eternally grateful for your love and care.  Take good care of our girl.  Give her a hug and kiss from me and could you sing our Turkey song with her, (sang to the tune of Frere Jacques) "Mr. Turkey...Mr. Turkey...Big and Fat...Big and Fat...I am going to eat you...I am going to eat you...just like that...just like that. (then make smacking gulping sounds).  Tell her Happy Thanksgiving and we miss her! 

Thanks to all my friends and family for continuing to love us even in the middle of great change in our lives.  Your love and support mean the world to us. All my love, Marcey   

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