Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Life is never dull

Life is never dull is it? I am pregnant. Had my tubes tied after Hannah's birth but 1 in 200 still get pregnant. I'm the one. I have a doctors appt. on the 22nd to check everything out. Make sure it's not ectopic, etc. I'm shocked but not unhappy. I'm worried but trying desperately to leave it in God's hands. When we told the boys Kyle said, "you know mom, it was starting to get a little boring around here..."

Hannah's doing well. Her personality is really shining lately. She is a mess. She enjoys cooking which has me worried. I do not feel like I can leave anything on the stove unattended anymore. So far she's gotten over all the illnesses that have hit her fairly easily which is a HUGE blessing. We just pray and pray constantly.

I have several appointments over the next few weeks. I see an infectious disease doctor on the 20th. Apparently when I was pregnant with Hannah I got mono and it was never treated. My body was under so much stress that I never recovered. Hopefully he can help me feel better. Then on the 22nd I go to the ob/gyn. Then again the last week of this month(not sure of the date) I go back to the DO that I just started seeing.

I also have a stress fracture in my right foot from when Koolio took off all of a sudden and wrapped his lead around my ankle. It hurts horribly. Ugggh! The only thing I can do is stay off of it as much as possible. I have to buy some crutches and a foot boot.

We're still waiting on results of Hannah's metabolic tests. As soon as the results start pouring in I'll be sure to let y'all know them.

I'm working to keep my spirits up. It's not easy, but I know God has this all in his control. Please continue to pray for us!


Hannah said...

CONGRATS!!! I will continue to pray for the little one on the way!


Hannah said...

I remember when my mom got pregnat with my bro. It was a most exciting time in my life. Marcey, remember, God is in control of EVERYTHING!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Marcey,
Oh my goodness!!!Congratulations!!!

God is so amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to say extra prayers.

I'm so sorry about your ankle/foot.


Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Oh my word, Marcey, when I first read this I thought I'd clicked on a different blog than Hannah's. How amazing the thing God is continuing to do in your life! You are probably the most amazing and brave woman I've known, even if I've never actually met you! Tubes tied and pregnant. What an amazing God we serve. Just wait and see what He is doing here. It's going to be a great thing!

Congratulations and you and all of your family are in my continued prayers!
