
Sunday, November 29, 2009


Wow! What a range of emtoions this holiday brought.

Hannah had a great holiday for once. She had a few moments but they quickly passed and I think she had a great time seeing cousins, aunts and uncles. It was interesting to hear the comments from people that haven't seen her in a while how much she has changed, especially socially. She's going through a streaking stage, and I had hoped we'd get through Thanksgiving without a streak but we didn't. LOL! We're all in the livingroom and Hannah comes in topless. I had to be thankful that it was just her top and not anything else. :) All in all I think she had a great time and for once she was well during the holiday! Thank you LORD!

I started my IV infusion treatments Thursday before last. They told me to take it easy and I thought I had been. Evidentally my easy and theirs are very different because I found myself very sick Wednesday after driving to my brother's from Hillsboro. I felt horrible. I barely made it through Wal-mart with my sister in law to get a few things we needed. I called the nurse and she felt like I was overdoing it and that I needed to take it easy. Thanksgiving day I was totally useless. I didn't do a thing. My poor sister in law did it all. Still I guess being up all day visiting, etc. was too much and on Friday I found myself feeling horrible again. I cried most of the drive home thinking I'd never feel good again. I haven't done a single thing since being home trying to get in as much rest as I could to see if it makes a difference. If I'm not feeling better by tomorrow I'm calling doctor back. I have to take care of my family.

David went to visit Billie's grave while we were in town. I didn't get to go. It really bummed me out. I miss her so much and it's not easier. I really have a new appreciation for people who have lost someone they are so close to. She loved the holiday's. We were laughing the other day because I threw out our Christmas tree last year and she was one to not throw something out until you had a replacement. She'd be giving me an earful about now. LOL! I know she's having the ultimate Christmas celebration today and I have to be happy for her.

In the midst of all of those things we got amazing news yesterday. I'm not free to share it right now but it was news David and I could use and has relieved some of the heaviness David and I have been feeling. We have been visited by angels lately. Help with food and gas money for travel. Hannah had a friend pass on her Strawberry shortcake stuff and someone gave her a basket of goodies too the other day. She's been in hog heaven! I'm just so thankful. I hope eveyone had a great Thanksgiving and you enjoy the holiday festvities leading up to Christmas. Thank you so much for your prayers and support. Please continue to pray for Hannah's health and pray that these treatments will work for me and I won't have to do more than the minimum.

Happy Belated Thanksgiving! Love you all!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Koolio Chapman | A Dog Named Christmas

Koolio was entered in this contest. Please vote for him and pass it on and ask all your friends too as well.

LOL! David doesn't like the muddy picture. I thought it was cute and would stand out.

Koolio Chapman | A Dog Named Christmas

Posted using ShareThis

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Really good week...

Hannah had a great week. There was very little seizure activity and she was well all week. I'm so thankful for weeks like these. They are so few and far between. She was a delight all week long, making us laugh so hard we cried sometiimes. Yesterday she started making farting noises with her mouth and would say to whoever was close, "Shew Wee David! You stink!" It was a hoot. I think she even entertained her teachers this week too. I'm so glad she is with people who enjoy her. It sure makes life easier for me.

Koolio finished his first week at school and it went great. He was VERY happy to be back with his girl everyday. He loves school as much as she does. He also really seems to enjoy the teachers. I think they are enjoying him too. He's such a sweet goofy dog.

It was a rough week for me personally. I had a doctors appt on Tuesday, then again on Wednesday and then Thursday I went into the hospital to have a pic line put in so I could start IV infusion treatments for 21 days. Hopefully I'll feel better than I have in years when this is over and it would have been worth it. I've learned more about viruses the last couple months than I ever care to know. I'm an avid handwasher/germ x user now and forever will be.

I can't believe the holiday's are upon us. Part of me wishes we could just skip them this year and then the other part of me wants to celebrate them in honor of Billie and her love for them. I still miss her so much. It'll be the last one with Kyle as a "kid" too. Hannah's already singing Jingle Bells and Santa claus is comign to Town a million times. So, I'll do my best to muster up some enthusiasm and have fun. This economy just really stinks. No raises or bonuses this year and a mountain of medical debt. Oh could be worse. :) Time for me to get creative!

I'm wondering if I should attempt taking Hannah to see Santa this year. She is so much more aware of the holiday now. It is so fun to watch someone give her something. When I bought her school shoes a few months ago and she opened the bag you would have thought I gave her a toy or something. She was so excited.

Hannah will go in the hospital Jan. 4th for up to 2 wks. They will take all her meds away and try to make her have seizures in the hospital so they can record them and see what is happening in her brain. From that we could get some valuable information and may have more options to stop the seizing. Surg, etc. For the first time in my life I'll be prayinig she has a seizure. It will be a pretty miserable time but a neccessary one. We'll appreciate your prayers.

Everyone have a happy Thanksgiving. I'm so thankful for everyone that cares about our girl. It's because of your care and prayers that we still have her. I'm convinced of it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Little Injun

This has been a week of my realizing how impatient I am and how other people do care and do want to help, and my letting them. Hannah has been sick for almost two weeks. She is doing better but she's still not 100%. Hannah's school staff is amazing. From her teachers to the administrators and I realized once again how what they do is so much more than a job. They care and want to help.

God has consistently placed people in our life that have offered a helping hand when it is needed. I'm so in awe at the people who are allowing themselves to be used to meet the needs of my family. This has been a week of us being visited by angels, and I hope I never forget the lessons I learned. Letting people help is not easy for me. I'm painfully independent. I'm learning though and will continue to learn as long as God wants to teach me.

Koolio starts school on Monday. We'll start training the staff on Monday. He'll be VERY ready to go to school. He has been so sad when Hannah leaves in the mornings.

I was at school a lot this week and one of the days Hannah made this hat. I had to grab a photo. So cute! My little injun...

Monday, November 9, 2009

hallucinating and crying

Hannah woke us up hallucinating and crying this morning. We think it's from the use of klonopin so much the last few days. Prayers would be appreciated.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Another seizure at school....

I got a call. Hannah was seizing again. Versed stopped them again thankfully. We're home. She's got bronchitis. We are scheduled to go inpatient at Cook's on January 4th for 5 to 9 days to do extensive testing to hoping get some information on what is causing all these problems. Please keep her in your prayers!