Tuesday, July 22, 2008

We're Home....

This post may be long. I apologize ahead of time. There is just no way to post my thoughts on this without really posting my thoughts on this. I'm so thankful we're all home. Hannah was extremely happy to see Kyle, Zachary, & nanna. She's settled right into he old routine and is quite happy to be home.

When the PT-ist came this morning to do Hannah's PT-apy she saw a totally different child than the one that was assessed the day before. The treatment plan was an hour of PT everyday. Well, all the concerns from the day before were no longer there today. Basically we're just going to watch her and work with her and she may get PT a couple times a week at the most.

We follow up with the opthamologist on the 19th of August. Today he said everything looked good.

The infectious disease specialist feels like Hannah had some virus's brewing in her system. She feels like even though Hannah's strep culture was negative that Hannah had strep. She also has what they call "microplasma", which is a virus most people get every year or two. Normally that is treated with zithromax or drugs in that family of drug, but Hannah is allergic to it so we are watching her closely and letting it run it's course. It's not contagious or life threatening. She felt like Hannah was at the tail end of the virus anyway. So, the theory is that these things were brewing in Hannah's system and they set off the seizure. We'll follow up with Hannah's pediatrician on Thursday.

To help hopefully keep that from happening in the future the neurologist added Lamictal. Since the theory is that these virus' set this whole thing off, the added seizure med will hopefully give her enough help should her system ever be bombarded like this again. We follow up with the neurologist on Monday.

This whole experience was one of amazement. I've never been so scared in my life. I thought we were losing our girl. However, I have never seen God's hand so obviously on a situation from beginning to end. I am not even sure I can put what I feel into words or how this experience has changed my life. When David and I arrived at the hospital in Hillsboro and they told me she was still seizing and was going to be care flighted to Fort Worth my heart nearly stopped. The doctor let us see her before they took her on the flight and tried to prepare me for what we would see, but there was no way they could have prepared a parent for what we saw. Hannah was on life support and they had given her a paralyzing drug so her eyes were open but she wasn't moving. We needed a miracle. Every step of the way people prayed. Prayers were focused and one at a time they were answered. The doctors, nurses, therapists, everyone is in awe at Hannah's recovery. We got a miracle.

I've been on a personal journey of discovery for a few years now. I recently came to realize that I can give God the trust I have, even when it's not alot, and he can do great things with that trust. I just have to give Him what I have. What I have is enough. I see how it works now. You give Him what you have and He builds it. I'm so glad He can build things out of near nothing.

Thank you all for your prayers. I know that God heard and he answered. He healed our sweet little Hannah and I'll never let her forget that people all over the world prayed for her healing.

I'll leave ya with Hannah' s new favorite song...and a picture of course.

Be Blessed:

Be Blessed my brother

Be Blessed my sister

Be Blessed wherever

This life leads you

Let me encourage you

Let me speak life to you

You can depend on God

To see your through

You can depend on me

To pray for you

You might be hurting

You might be crying

You might be worrying

And frustrated too

Let me encourage you

Let me speak life to you

You can depend on God

To see you through

You can depend on me

To pray for you

I see you in THE future

And you look better

You're walking in favor

And prosperity too

Let me encourage you

Let me speak life to you

you can depend on God

To see you through

You can depend on me

To pray for you

I'll pray for you

You pray for me

And watch God change things

I'll pray for you

You pray for me

And Watch God change things

I'll pray for you, You pray for me, And watch God Change things

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